

חיילים בודדים

This is simply the best documentary about Chayalim Bodedim in the IDF that I have seen. Kol Hakavod to Reshet TV for putting it together and for making an excellent piece on soldiers who certainly deserve to have their stories heard.

On a side note, just as Michael Oren recounts, I can also remember the times of volunteering to stay on base and do guard duty on holidays while many of my friends went home to spend time with their families. It goes without saying that this is one piece that is especially personal and moving.

Lone Soldiers of the IDF (Hebrew)


Jewish Brigade

An Israeli postcard commemorating the service of Jewish volunteers from the Yishuv who served under the British Army in the Jewish Brigade during the Second World War.

This truly is one of my favorite historical gems.


Some pictures from the funerals of Hezbollah members killed in this week's Israeli airstrike in the Golan Heights in Syria. The IAF strike killed Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of Imad Mughniyeh, Hezbollah's former chief military commander who was also assassinated in a hit attributed to Israel in 2008.

Among those also killed in Sunday's airstrike in Syria was Iran Revolutionary Guard General Mohammed Allahdadi.

Funeral for Hezbollah members in southern Lebanon. Reuters.

Southern Lebanon. Reuters.



Lovely crowd.


חורף בזרוע היבשה

Winter 2015 in the IDF ground forces. 

חורף בזרוע היבשה

זרוע היבשה


Rehavia, Jerusalem, Israel

The view from the Terra Sancta College on Keren Hayesod Street in the Rehavia neighbourhood of Jerusalem, 




הנדסה קרבית גדוד 603 ביוהודה ושומרון

IDF combat engineers from battalion 603 during operations and training in the West Bank. Video shot with a GoPro camera



"All the world is a very narrow bridge, the most important thing is not to be afraid"

Full respect to the GIGN and all of the brave French security forces who risked their lives to save others and who helped bring this senseless terror to an end.


There are limits to satire and mockery, limits to freedom of expression, but Western civilization provides legal frameworks in which to weigh and enforce those limits. Islamic extremism allows for no such humor, no such mockery, no such tolerance. It is Europe’s free press, its freedom of expression, its very civilization, then, that was attacked in Paris on Wednesday, that the Islamists seek to destroy. The stakes could not be higher. - David Horovitz, Times of Israel

Douglas Murray steps in to set things straight.

Travel time from London to the rest of the world in 1914.



"The values we share are the same values that put us at risk"


No comment on The Times' disgraceful sub-headline at the bottom.


The War Next Door

Israel and the IDF have been treating wounded civilians from Syria's civil war and playing a strong humanitarian role for quite some time now. I'm glad that this reality is finally coming to light.


The Women's Royal Indian Naval Service in the Second World War

Servicewomen of the Women's Royal Indian Naval Service.

WRINS officer cadets

Chief Officer Margaret L Cooper, Deputy Director of the Women’s Royal Indian Naval Service (WRINS), with Second Officer Kalyani Sen, WRINS at Rosyth during their two month study visit to Britain, 3rd June 1945.

Les Femmes durant la WWII

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