
Army Sentimentals

I love breezing through Bamahane to see what's been happening lately in the army behind the scenes. It only takes one picture also sometimes to bring back parallel memories of my own. 

It's hard to express completely my affinity and understanding for the awkward, nerdy and somewhat outcasted soldiers that exist all throughout the IDF, and in all armies for that matter. In my eyes Tzahal, wouldn't be what it is without these guys, and I'm not just saying this because they provide a much needed counter balance against all of the Arsim who exist in so many units spread throughout the army. When it comes to Hevre, they're usually the best of the best. If you happen to find yourself grouped with a bunch of Arsim calling each other Neshama and blasting Mizrahi music in your Tzevet or Mahlaka, you'll understand why this is where my kindred spirit lies. It wouldn't be the people's army any way else, nor quite as interesting. 


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