
Inspector Norse in South Tel Aviv

Of all the spots in Tel Aviv, The Block is hands down my favorite. It's about as far from the tackiness of the Tel Aviv port and the cheesy clubs and crowds of arsim and frechot (think chavs, but worse) as possible. If you didn't know, you would think it's a complete shit hole, being that it's right next to the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station, a place which is generally avoided at all costs by anyone who lives in this city. Ironically though, the griminess of South Tel Aviv is what makes The Block feel so authentic and real. It doesn't hurt that they get the best DJ's either.

It's pretty cool also that the Norwegian embassy personally sponsored Todd Terje to help bring him here to Israel to allow us to have a little more fun than normal. 

Todd Terje. The Block. Tel Aviv . 28.3.13

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