
Beantown United

It's often easy to forget how crazy the world we live in is. Halfway across the world, just about six months ago rockets were being fired at my city, and I found myself with my gf, along with thousands of others rushing into bomb shelters unexpectedly searching for cover. A few days later I happened to be a mere three blocks from where a bus exploded. All in one unpredictable week. And without a reminder, it was all pushed into the back of my head. The routine of normal life and work quickly resumed. It was only a few years earlier also, during my army service that I first experienced this feeling of uncertainty, the reality of life in the Middle East. The winter of '08 - '09 and Operation Cast Lead was one I wouldn't easily forget. As a nascent Israeli, I've found myself becoming accustomed to this reality, that doesn't make it normal though, and it certainly is not how life is supposed to be. I hate to sound self righteous, but if there's one thing I can say with confidence, it is that terror directed against innocent civilians is never acceptable under any scenario. No matter what.

I'm an American born and bred and my roots are in NY, and I can still remember 9/11 so vividly. And it's something that profoundly shaped my world view and coming of age. If it wasn't for 9/11 and the type of inhumane violence during the second intifada, it's possible I very likely would not have ended up serving. To see this type of terror resurfacing, no matter what the ideology behind it is just overwhelms me with sadness and just as equally, anger. It is never acceptable to see the type of things you would see on a battlefield on young kids and families, and innocent people everywhere enjoying a sporting event on a beautiful day.

One Nation.

We are all one nation. At the worst of times is when you see the best of Americans. The willingness of first responders and random brave individuals to put themselves in harms way by running straight towards danger and the unknown to help strangers in need is something I am in awe of. I can only hope that whoever carried out this sick and cruel attack will find themselves a cowards end. The good will always outnumber the evil.

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