
Bahad 1 - IDF Officers Course: An Introduction

The IDF School for Officers. When it comes to the training and commissioning of the future leaders of the military of Israel, this is where it all goes down. Even in my time spent in the army, I had never been exposed too much first hand to what the experience of going through and completing Officers Course was like. Given that my service was shorter than the standard, not too many of my close friends had gone on to Bahad 1. Nonetheless, the stories I heard still impressed me. There was one female officer who I became friends with at the end of basic training who clued me in a bit more as to what it was like passing through Bahad 1. 

For my western oriented mind, it wasn't too much of a shock to realize that just like the rest of the IDF that I was introduced to in Tironut (basic training), and throughout my service, Officers Course clearly seemed to fall within the same different and distinct cultural sphere. In that the methods and application of training are all done with an unmistakably Israeli style (of course), which in essence happens to be dominated by a clear Middle Eastern approach to doing things. It makes perfect sense given the make up of Israeli society. Still, officers and soldiers are diversely represented in backgrounds from all over population, from Russian roots to American to Ethiopian, and plenty more. Maybe it's just the crappy Mizrahi music that's forced fed down your throat at every army event that is just impossible to get away from. This could definitely be the main catalyst.

Bahad 1 is unique in its own right for more than a few other reasons also though. It's not an accredited academic institution like West Point. Degrees aren't awarded upon completion and the overall course is only six months in duration. The acceptance rate to try your luck to become an officer is also much higher, as is the rate of commission. That doesn't mean however that it's not an elite institution. In my opinion, it certainly is, and in many ways, one could argue that the training is equally as comparable and rigorous to any other military academy, West Point and Sandhurst included.

זרוע היבשה 

It's long been known that the IDF is not a parade army on par with some of our peers. When we have to, we put on the full regalia for show and can hold ourselves to account pretty nicely on the parade grounds though. Of course, you won't get us confused with Her Majesty's Officers in the British Army. That for one is clear. However, don't let it be confused, we can still bust out the pomp and circumstance when necessary, and what's most important, successfully carry out a mission with integrity and honor.

זרוע היבשה 

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