
Fast Forward

Sometimes I'm convinced that there really is some type of strange current on the internet that just pulls everything together, where one far reaching corner of the web is suddenly connected to another. It was only a couple days ago that I randomly stumbled upon, and posted about a documentary from the 70's about British Army officers in training at RMA Sandhurst, through the enlistment process to their commissioning into Her Majesty's Armed Forces. One person in particular stood out as being markedly witty and up to the daunting task of filling the role of a successful British Army officer. In the documentary, sitting among his peers, he was described as the son of the Bishop of Exeter. It was Patrick Mercer.

Not that I am especially privy to the in depth politics of the British Parliamentary system and its make up. However, I do know that allegations of taking brides are usually never a good thing for a politician. In this case, Mercer, who by all accounts, seemed like a not so terrible bloke until that point. I guess things can always get worse

Plaited hair female soldiers

I will say this, I know that Mr.Mercer is not the first foreign dignitary or citizen to have experienced some issues with the way we run security here. He has every right to be slightly ticked off if he did in fact find himself placed in a rather uncomfortable position and was being harassed unjustifiably. Unfortunately, part of the drawback to having a near universal draft where service is compulsory for almost everyone is the appropriation of power that can come along without necessarily having earned it with merit. That's not to say that there aren't excellent 18 year old Israeli soldiers out there doing a great job, the majority of them are. I served with them and can attest to that. It has to be said though, that often times there is a lack of awareness as to the seriousness of the task at hand. When it comes to professionalism, sometimes we could use some improvements in certain areas. That doesn't change the fact that Patrick Mercer is still a dick.

Chief of Staff Benny Gantz

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