
Heat Wave

About a year ago I first heard the name Lior Nordman. It was on a Vice documentary about Fashion Week in Tel Aviv, which happened to be occurring right when hostilities broke out between the IDF and Hamas in Gaza. The result, of course, being rockets fired at Tel Aviv for the first time since the Gulf War in 1991. The bubble of Tel Aviv officially broke.

While citizens in the south have been bearing the brunt of living under the threat of rocket fire for so long, this time Tel Avivim got a sense of what the feeling is like. I remember the first time hearing the air raid siren and just looking out the window in shock for a moment before telling my gf to drop everything and get downstairs and into the closest shelter. I remember having had to run for cover in the army, and frankly not being too bothered by it. This was entirely different.

For the fashionistas of the city and the international crowd visiting from abroad at the time, it was especially an experience that won't be forgotten. True to the core roots of this city, the show in Tel Aviv went on in spite of the intermittent rocket fire. With some thanks to a few Iron Dome batteries around Gush Dan, which helped make life a little bit easier under the circumstances.

If there is anyone though in the artistic community in this country who is unafraid of anything and embodies this type of spirit, it's Lior Nordman. I confess, I don't know too much about the guy, but from what I've seen, there likely isn't anyone else out there in Israel who is transforming cultural expression the way he is, and pushing the limits of all taboos.

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