
Orthodox Mafia

For as long as this country has existed the Orthodox have held a monopoly on marriage. I sometimes forget how bad it really is. All it takes is for one example to pop up to realize it again. Growing up secular, we often take for granted the rights and privileges we have, especially if you're from the states or Europe. Israel, however does things quite differently. Despite all of the millions of skekels invested in Hasbara and public diplomacy on behalf of this country, and all of the talk about being a liberal and open democracy, I can't help but admit that for the most part it's just one big facade. I won't dispute that in some cases there are many aspects that attest to the quality of life in Israel, liberties that are unheard of in other Middle Eastern countries. On the whole however though, it truly cannot hold up the standards of freedom in the west at all.. Especially considering the fact that in Israel, there still is no civil marriage whatsoever. Which means, if you're a Jew and you want to marry a Christian or a Muslim or anyone else who isn't Jewish, it is illegal. You cannot marry anyone other than a Jew in Israel. Marriage is only permitted for those within the same faith.

Lior Nordman

If that isn't bad enough, even within Judaism for Jews, the Orthodox rabbinical authorities hold control over everything. In order to have a "Jewish wedding" in Israel, it can only be done through the Orthodox method, which has in effect become a Mafia in and of itself. Those who are Jews and were born abroad to Jewish parents are put through a rigorous background check to even get approved for what is considered a Jewish wedding here. And if only one of your parents is a Jew, you'll be in need of some serious luck. This type of monopoly and control over the personal lives of its citizens is so outrageous, it is almost beyond me to comprehend. I won't even get into the segregated buses or sidewalks, where little girls get spit on for dressing "immodestly" in places like Beit Shemesh. Things are even worse.

There are only a few political parties in Israel who looking to change things. The overwhelming majority is content to continue with the status quo. The old inherited Ottoman laws still fit perfectly with the State of Israel in 2013. This is the heart of the Middle East after all. Some things never change. 

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