
פרופיל 64

Despite spending more than enough time in front of the tv usually glued to the news or whatever sporting event might be on, it's become rather rare that I find myself actually sitting down and watching shows on the tube, with a few guilty exceptions that I'm too embarrassed to admit.

Last night though, somewhere in between serious programming about events in Syria, I happened to stumble up upon a little gem on Channel 10 that was seemingly thrown on right after prime time, quite under the radar. To anyone who has served in the IDF in any capacity, from combat soldiers to rear service personnel, Lohamim to Jobnikim, no matter what you did in the army, there is no chance of not laughing after just seeing a few minutes of Profile 64. The origin of the show's title, Profile 64, just happens to be the level of IDF medical profile assigned where one is deemed completely unfit for combat service. It couldn't be any more fitting.

פרופיל 64 FB

The basic premise of the show is about an officer in a combat unit, who after a series of operational mistakes in the field gets himself demoted and is forced to lead a misfit group of spoiled and lazy "Jobnikim" in an intelligence unit. Every stereotype in the IDF is brought to the surface and poked fun at in each episode, and it's pretty damn funny. Even though the show is in Hebrew, you don't have to know the language to pretty much get it.

Profile 64. Episode 1.

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