
Battle Without End

After three days of terror, I can only hope that a swift and just conclusion to the crisis in Nairobi is in the works. The confirmation of Israeli advisors and the speculation of Israeli special forces being involved in helping end the siege by Al Shabab terrorists at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi shouldn't come as much of a surprise. The Westgate is not only under Israeli ownership, but is also home to popular Israeli businesses such as Artcaffe, which you can find in almost any major Israeli town or city under its domestic name, Arcaffe. As any upscale, Western oriented commercial area in the midst of the developing world, it is easily apparent as to why it would be a prime target for Islamist extremists. It is important to note as well,  the history of attacks in Kenya against Israeli targets. The most prime examples being the bombing of an Israeli owned hotel in Mombasa and the attempt to shoot down an Arkia charter plane upon take off in 2002. These are just a few more reason to understand the Israeli connection in this tragedy. 

On a personal side note, it makes me extremely proud to see our country coming to help in any way possible, not just due to our own association to the crisis, but more importantly out of the basic foundation of brotherhood and solidarity in the fight against global terror.

Alleged security camera footage of the terrorists

My most sincere thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, and to all Kenyan forces and international groups aiding in bringing such terrible violence to an end.

Westgate Mall. Nairobi, Kenya. Reuters

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