
Bullshit and More Bullshit

I complain about the lack of overall entertainment in Israel a lot. Quite a lot, in fact. In particular all too often about how crappy our cable companies are compared to things in the states or the UK. You might find yourself seeing the same B-movies played over and over on Hot Action or Yes, for example. Over time it's something you get used to, and now I've even come to taking some guilty pleasure out of it. When you don't have a choice, you somehow build a high tolerance for the best of Steven Seagal and Jean-Claude Van Damme, and still find a way to laugh.

One thing we do right, however, is news. When it comes to 24 hour international news channels, Israel has it on lock. That means though, along with quality and sophisticated outlets like BBC World and France 24, it also means having to put up with the sensationalist nonsense of stations like MSNBC and Fox News. That is nothing though compared to the outright propaganda and lies of channels like Russia Today, the Russian government's baby that seems to have been dropped on its head right upon birth. I realized a long time ago that RT was not a legitimate news outlet, but it seems that with each new day, they're going out and setting new lows for themselves.

From openly supporting anything related to President Putin, including the Russian government's recent anti-gay measures, to all but endorsing the most extreme and outlandish conspiracy theories, RT is constantly proving to be a caricature of itself. Look no further than this most recent example. It's practically a modern day version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, filled with every single anti-Semitic canard and stereotype known in existence. So yes, this is in fact how they do things over at Russia Today. Create a segment, fill it with lies and add in some radical guests and you get what passes for news coverage. Thankfully, none of us are buying it.

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