
Just This

Courtesy of Hannah Lucinda Smith, who happens to be one of the most talented independent journalists working in the Middle East. Her reporting from the ground in Syria and Lebanon and beyond is about as top notch and informative as it gets. This is from her excellent blog.


A fellow cat lover in Lebanon showed me these photos he took of a dickhead taking his pet lion for a walk in downtown Beirut:
Apparently exotic pets – and big cats in particular – are the latest status symbols for people who have far too much money in Lebanon. This guy obviously thought he was going to impress some ladies by taking his lion for a walk. His cool has been rather undermined, however, by the fact that is is him who is being taken for a walk by the lion rather than the other way round. Also, the lion quite clearly wants to fuck him over.
If he really wanted to look smooth with his lion, he should have taken some tips from these guys. They bought their lion cub from Harrods in the 1970s. Still wrong on so many levels, but at least they’re pulling off the look.
In the end the guy in Beirut realised that it was only a matter of time before his pet mauled him to death, and he gave it to an animal charity who have rehomed it in South Africa.
Now, however, he’s apparently got himself a tiger cub.
What a dickhead.

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