
Williamsburg to Florentin

It's not everyday that up and coming bands from North America and Europe make it all the way out to Israel. This is something you weren't able to say a few years ago when things were a bit different and many new and established acts added a stop in Tel Aviv to their international tours quite often. Bands like Blonde Redhead, The Fall, Art Brut, and none other than Morrissey, all brought serious energy to put on some memorable performances for us desperate music fiends in the White City. Thankfully, things are starting to pick up again.

It's not a knock on all of the great DJs who come and play the pulsating and sweat filled clubs of this town deep into the early morning hours each weekend, however, there's nothing like seeing live musicians perform. In terms of energy and emotion, I don't think you can even compare the two. Seeing artists playing their hearts out and connecting with the audience is something that just can't be replicated in a club. When I found out a few months ago that Beach Fossils, one of my favorite bands, would be playing right in the neighborhood, I practically couldn't contain myself.


In keeping with tradition, as is custom at each show at the Barby, Beach Fossils brought it to the fullest. Stage diving, crowd surfing, high decimal levels. It was all there. 

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