
Just some quick food for thought. From this vantage point where I'm sitting, it's easy to get caught up in all the hysteria being exhibited by our prime minister right now regarding Iran. If cartoon drawings of bombs and incessant threats of ballistic missiles hitting not only Israel, but the US mainland also aren't enough, I don't know what is. Thankfully though, shoot from the hip diplomacy is not exactly in these days.

It seems with each passing international appearance Bibi is doing his best to ensure that Israel remains a punching bag for criticism. I like to think that it's not too late to rearrange the mess though. That doesn't mean it'll be easy. The extent that Netanyahu has managed to shatter Israeli credibility around the world with his continuous misguided policies, and disastrous disregard for all standard diplomatic norms is something that won't be so simple to put back together. I'm not ready to through in the towel quite yet however. That being said, the decision to reinstate Avigdor Lieberman as Israeli Foreign Minister following his acquittal on corruption charges is just another in the long line of decisions by this government that leaves me just scratching my head.

Humans of Iran

While I recognize with clarity what the meaning of a nuclear Iran would be, and believe me, it's nothing I take lightly. However, just like many, including those in Israel with the type security credentials I can only dream of, I also do not consider the prospect of a nuclear Iran to be an existential threat to the State of Israel. Thankfully, unlike what Prime Minister Netanyahu says, it's not 1938. The Jewish people and the State of Israel are strong and well prepared and ready and able to defend ourselves. I can't predict what will happen, but I know that at the end of the day, the winds of change are in the air, and there's no way to ignore that. If we don't show the will to exhaust all avenues of diplomacy, I can't see how it's possible for Israel to save face on the world stage.

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