
Definition of a screamer

Gareth Bale still making us proud over in La Liga.


Afghan Tales

It's accurate to say that the United States has been the driving force in the War in Afghanistan since it began in 2001, with the UK carrying an especially heavy load as well. Still, it's important not to forget all of the other contributing NATO allies who have have sacrificed and served honorably. Now with the mission coming to an end, and an uncertain future in sight, here's to helping ensure that their story serves as more than just another added footnote in history.

ISAF Regional Command North. Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan.

Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen visiting German troops.

Swedish contingent patrol in northern Afghanistan. ISAF.


"The First Arrow on the Lebanese Border"

The Herev "Sword" Battalion in Northern Israel. 




So French So Good

In a meeting of the best from both worlds, French culinary students from the Ecole Hôtelière de Paris have been in Israel meeting with their Israeli peers from the Tadmor School for Hotel Management, trading everything from recipes to cooking tips to learning about Israeli hospitality. The latter of course a concept that many of us living here would swear doesn't actually exist. Nonetheless, while service and subtly might not be the strongest points in most Israeli establishments, the food can more often than not make up for it quite well.

Times of Israel

After having just recently been in Paris, and already missing every aspect of the city, especially my favorite pâtisserie and brasserie, it's a breath of fresh air to see a little bit of Parisian culture make its way to Israel. Hopefully there will only be more similar cultural exchanges to come!

Times of Israel


קורס קצינים - פברואר 14

Officer's Course - February '14
Bahad 1. IDF School for Officers

זרוע היבשה

זרוע היבשה

זרוע היבשה


El Capitan

The definition of class and the quintessential Yankee. Even if you're not a baseball fan, you'd be hard pressed to find another New York icon as respected and revered all around as Derek Jeter. All I can say is, thanks for the memories! See you in Monument Park!

New York Yankees FB


À la prochaine!

It's only been a few hours since I've landed back in Israel, but I can already feel the inevitable post-vacation blues settling in. Usually it takes a little bit longer, at least a night or two to really soak it all up. I guess that's the sign of a really great trip though. And any trip to Paris certainly qualifies as such. This isn't meant to be an intentional slight towards Israel, but it doesn't get any more depressing than coming from Paris and going back to Tel Aviv. For many reasons, too many to count, even though I'm sure there are more than a few quite obvious ones. Here are a few examples.

Until the next time!

Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris.

View down Champs-Élysées from Place de la Concorde

Inside The Louvre


Feeling the wrath

You knew this was coming. I have to say, it's well worth it just for the Klitschko name drop in there.


Why the Sochi Olympics are the Most Expensive in History

Simon Ostrovsky is at it again. This time dissecting all of the corruption going down in Sochi. And there is quite a lot of it.

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