
Syrian Contrasts

Even within a "secular" regime such as the one of the tyrant Bashar al-Assad, showing up to a rally like this will still nonetheless earn you a few looks. However, you can imagine what it would be like if members of ISIS or Al-Nusra were around.

Pro-Assad rally. Damascus, Syria. EA Worldview

Pro-Assad rally. Damascus, Syria. EA Worldview

Ronaldo and co.

Cristiano Ronaldo leading team Portugal in the direction of a World Cup trophy, or if not, most likely towards some sort of fictional and dramatic setting.

Ronaldo and co. Telegraph.


Congrats, Emma Watson!

I would like to personally extend to you a warm welcome into the work force. 

Emma Watson. Twitter. 


Not Welcome

I'm really at a loss for words after seeing this. If the Pope is going to endorsement the false sentiment that Bethlehem has become the equivalent of the Warsaw Ghetto, I think it's fair to say that any credibility the Vatican had previously is now lost. By the way, you're not welcome here.

Pope Francis saying a misguided prayer. AP.

Los Blancos. Los Vencedores

Very proud of Bale and Modric. Still, I would've given a lot to see Diego Simeone take on the entire RM team there at the end.


Stealthy Freedom: Iran

"I just want to breathe! That's all. One thing I know is that I haven't ever been able to get used to wearing a scarf. It has always felt like a chain around my neck trying to choke me.

I like to unchain myself and breathe the way I please


Stealthy Freedom. FB.

Baghdad 1971

It's fair to say things have changed just a little bit since then.


Sans Hijab

One of the dancers from "Happy" Iran video has been released by authorities there after having been detained for "obnoxious" behavior. Now she's taken to Instagram to thank Pharell and all her supporters, sans hijab. All the respect to her!


Pen & Sword

Of all the personal memoirs and titles written by officers and soldiers to come out about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, this is one that stands head and shoulders above all the rest.



Let's forget the fact that I think Van Gaal is an extremely high-risk appointment despite his stellar CV, this is what it's really all about for United fans.

Rich Arrowsmith



The current situation in Libya not exactly progressing in a positive way.

RPG hit on residential apartment building. Benghazi, Libya. Jenan Moussa.


Somewhere in America

And I thought the term "blipster" was a fad. 


The Squad

There are a few additions I wouldn't have minded seeing this World Cup, in particular a few certain Spurs, but I have to say I like the overall look of this year's squad.

Troops in the West Bank

IDF forces engaged in intensive riot control operations in the West Bank.

West Bank, Palestinian Territories. AP


Bibi on Selfies

This might be a week or so old, but if there is one thing that will endear me to Bibi, it's this. 


The Gatherer of Russian Lands

Vladimir Putin's commemorative Crimea coin is quite a sight to behold. It is apparently part of a series titled "The Gatherer of Russian Lands". You can't really make this stuff up.

Business Insider


Welcome to Aleppo

The Carlton Citadel Hotel in Aleppo that had been occupied by Syrian government forces apparently has been completely destroyed by rebels after a massive explosion this morning.

Carlton Citadel Hotel, Aleppo, Syria

Carlton Citadel Hotel, Aleppo, Syria


Romania 1986

Here are some incredible pictures from the Ceaușescu years in Romania courtesy of a stunning recent photo essay from Balkanist Magazine. After having visited Romania, and Bucharest in particular for the first time in 2011, these photos are all the more fascinating.

Bucharest, Romania, 1986. Balkanist.

Bucharest, Romania, 1986. Balkanist.

Bucharest, Romania, 1986. Balkanist.


Katy and Prince

I don't know how it's even possible that this is the first time I'm ever see this, but this about as good as it gets.

NY Giants SB XVLI Champions


Adebayor: Film Star

It's at that point in the season when all you can do is laugh at these types of things. Of course, not surprisingly, Adebayor is involved, and his reaction is priceless.


David Ha'nachlawi

One of the unfortunate realities of life on the ground in Hebron is that incidents like this seem to happen all too often. No matter the provocation, a soldier is expected to behave professionally at all times, the so called "David Ha'nachlawi" in this most recent incident failed this test resoundingly.

While I don't blame him for drawing us weapon to defend himself, the crude and vile display that followed was completely unbecoming of an IDF soldier representing the army. I'm glad at least that the upper echelon have realized this and have appropriately condemned him for his crass behavior, as well as the subsequent viral Facebook campaign that has exploded all over the internet in recent days in Israel. Which just happens to be another entire story in its own right. From what it seems also, this particular soldier is not one known to have an exactly stellar track record either. According to sources, due to previous disciplinary issues of a severe nature, he is being removed from his role as a combat soldier in the army.


Eyes of the Tigers?

The era of Frank Warren boxing events in the UK during the 90's truly was an interesting time. Steve Collins, Naz and Nigel Benn have never looked so insane.

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