
David Ha'nachlawi

One of the unfortunate realities of life on the ground in Hebron is that incidents like this seem to happen all too often. No matter the provocation, a soldier is expected to behave professionally at all times, the so called "David Ha'nachlawi" in this most recent incident failed this test resoundingly.

While I don't blame him for drawing us weapon to defend himself, the crude and vile display that followed was completely unbecoming of an IDF soldier representing the army. I'm glad at least that the upper echelon have realized this and have appropriately condemned him for his crass behavior, as well as the subsequent viral Facebook campaign that has exploded all over the internet in recent days in Israel. Which just happens to be another entire story in its own right. From what it seems also, this particular soldier is not one known to have an exactly stellar track record either. According to sources, due to previous disciplinary issues of a severe nature, he is being removed from his role as a combat soldier in the army.

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