
Eyal, Gilad and Naftali

"It is with immense sadness that I found out last night about the murder of three kidnapped Israeli teens. It saddens me even more to know that they are being described as settlers in the foreign press. As if them being settlers justifies the act of their kidnappers and murderers. By no means I support the Israeli colonies in the West Bank, or even the appellation Judea and Samaria, or the idea of a Grand Biblical Israel. Still I am saddened by their death, and feel the sorrow their families must be going through.I have now been living in Israel for four years and I have sadly realized that peace is just not an option. The Israeli Government and the Palestinian Authority do not manage to reach any agreement as they do not want to even discuss peace. As long as the fanatics of the Israeli right wing will keep believing that Israel needs to be seen in Biblical terms and must incorporate Palestinian territories while denying the Palestinians any right; and as long as the Palestinians hate Israel more than they want peace, no agreement will be reached.I still have the hope though that the new generations on both sides will wake up and realize that war and hate is not a lifestyle and that peace can and should be achieved."

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