

At a certain point, as a moral society, we must ask ourselves, if we're not going to treat Jewish extremists in our midst the same as we do Hamas terrorists, it's truly time to take a good look in the mirror. I can only hope that Bibi's public denunciation today is backed up with the necessary actions needed to ensure that hatred and incitement have no place in our society. It's not humane and it's certainly not Jewish.

Yafo Port. Times of Israel

However, it is with some sense of pride to see the union of all sectors of the Israeli public joining together to denounce such barbarism and brutality. Something that unfortunately cannot be said for the general Palestinian street after the tragic and senseless murders of Naftali Frankel, Gilad Saar and Eyal Yifrach. Unlike our neighbors, we will never celebrate upon hearing the news of any tragedy involving innocent Palestinians. We say simply and unequivocally that under no circumstances will such brutality ever be tolerated.

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