
Protective Edge: Day 5

It's hard to believe, but today was already the fifth day of Operation Protective Edge. In comparison to the previous days, things were certainly shaping up to be a bit quieter. At least in Gush Dan and most of central Israel, and even in parts of the south as well. All of which was something to be thankful for considering it was Shabbat.

However, At 8 pm all that changed. Hamas released an unprecedented press release vowing to attack Tel Aviv in one hour's time at 9 pm. Within a few minutes of walking out on the street and going to the corner store, it was apparent that the psychological effects of the threat were being realized. Everyone was talking about the possible imminent rocket salvo coming. It was psychological warfare at its most audacious. Unfortunately, they proved to be true to their word also. In keeping with typical Middle Eastern time, a few minutes after 9 pm, a two massive barrage of rockets were fired towards Tel Aviv and central Israel resulting in air raid sirens going off all throughout Gush Dan. Hamas vowed to test the capabilities of Iron Dome. A record 7 simultaneous interceptions of inbound Gaza rockets were reported, with the remaining few falling in open areas. Thankfully, no injuries were reported. Nonetheless, having been true to their word, the sheer bravado of their public announcement to carry out a large scale attack on Tel Aviv and make good on their threat has to be considered a game changer in the current conflict as it stands. With the Israeli government still relying exclusively on the overwhelming strength of the IAF to destroy Hamas and their allies' military capabilities in the Gaza Strip, it is becoming increasingly apparent, just as in past times, that it might take more than air power alone in deterring the ongoing rocket fire. I'm admittedly not keen on the idea of any prolonged ground incursion into Gaza, however, apart from a fair political solution, it doesn't look like there will be another alternative to ensure that there will be a halt to these unacceptable and indiscriminate attacks that have been going on for years.

The skies over Tel Aviv. July 12th, 2014. Ynet

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