
Lapid Hits Back. Again.

Yair Lapid has once again minced no words when it's come to Hamas, and has made it clear that no Hamas leaders are immune from being targeted by Israel:

"We have accepted ceasefires five times- and five times Hamas has broke the ceasefire and has gone back to doing what it does, which is firing rockets and trying to kill our children while tying its own children to the alter and using them as Human shields."

On the topic of "pro-Palestinian" protests taking place all across Europe and the rest of the world, he added:

"The world must ask itself this, why is it that Hamas won't renounce terror? In order to get peace and rehabilitation (for Gaza), Hamas only needs to do one thing, and that is renounce terror.Why is it that they don't?"

And from the always pragmatic and insightful Gershon Baskin, who likely knows Hamas better than anyone:

"Hamas considers Sderot, Kiryat Gat and Tel Aviv "settlements". When they speak about ending the occupation, they mean ending the State of Israel."

Israeli Finance Minister Yair Lapid. Flash 90.

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