

Lately I've been staying awake later and later and not sleeping enough. The other night while packing and streaming whatever random set was playing on NTS at that hour, I came across a few battered notebooks with scrap pieces and short journal entries from some of my former and more recent travels. They stretched from Romania to Paris and London to Israel, and also included shoddily written thoughts and sketches going back to life in Tel Aviv circa 2011-2012 and the immediate months after I finished reserve duty and subsequently ended up traveling to Berlin. 

I also stripped some hybrid notes off my old phone from my nearly month-long stay in Israel via Hackney this past last winter, which already feels like ages ago. Between the mostly unrecognizable phone numbers and faded names and the marked off dates next to addresses of cafes and bookshops, I've been slowly trying to thread these pieces together and sketch out whatever possible vignettes I can. 

Jerusalem, January '20

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