
International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2021

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In memory of the six million men, women, and children who were murdered by the Nazi regime simply for being born Jewish, we stand tall and united in saying Never Again! May their memories forever be a blessing. We commemorate them all and honor those who survived and continue to bear witness. 

As the last generation of Shoah survivors slowly leave us, it is paramount now more than ever to stand up against all forms of antisemitism and hatred and to ensure that the true history of the Holocaust is never forgotten.

In addition, we remember the heroism and sacrifices of those who fought back in the forests and the ghettoes. And especially the over 1.5 million Jewish soldiers who served in the allied armed forces during the war. This includes special units such as the Jewish Brigade and others within the British army consisting of volunteers from Eretz Yisrael. Their unmatched bravery will be remembered always.

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