
Rue de Sein

The past few weeks have been hectic to say the least. Now that the ceasefire seems to be holding, I've slowly been able to relax more and not find myself consumed with thoughts about family and friends in Israel to the same degree. I've been trying to limit my time on social media also, although that's mostly been an unfulfilled promise. At the bare minimum, I'm more connected with friends, old and new, than I have been awhile. Everyone seems to be confiding in each other so much as well. There's a certain sense of community right now among Jews and Israelis that's really comforting and inspiring. 

The weather has been nearly flawless all week and I spent a good chunk of today and yesterday out at the park. The late afternoon atmosphere felt almost a bit like being in Victoria Park or London Fields. I brought an old copy le Carre's The Looking Glass War, which I started awhile ago and am now finally getting back into it. My first impression is that those who claim the novel is an overlooked gem are very correct. Given what I've been reading, normally my thoughts would shift to London, but instead I keep thinking of Paris. 

Joann Pai/ NYT

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