
Taliban in Jerusalem

If you think that the Burqa is an exclusive phenomenon unique solely to ultra conservative sectors in Islamic societies in places like Afghanistan, think again. The rumors of Taliban style women being sighted in Jerusalem and in particular, Beit Shemesh have been commonplace for a few years now. It's only been recently though that the extent of this extreme interpretation of Jewish law is finally being given the proper spotlight.

The Taliban of Israel.Wikipedia.

As much as I love Jerusalem, and this country as a whole, I find it so hard to come to terms with what's been happening lately. The ever increasing cultural shift towards conservatism among Israelis, both Jewish and Arab truly makes me worry about the future of Israel and what will be. I don't see how Israel can fashion itself as "A light unto the nations" while at the same time enabling and supporting the most intolerable among us. For all the problems facing Yair Lapid, I'm thankful at the very least, he recognizes that the status quo of Haredi freeloading, with the explicit support from the state, is something that is untenable, and surely cannot continue.

Haredi Jewish women in their most extreme form

In a related story, I am extremely proud to see a British judge stand up for Western values and just as important, common sense, and declare that a Muslim defendant must remove her Burqa in court. Freedom of religion is something that shouldn't ever be compromised or taken for granted, but common sense and logic must always come play into account, and I'm thankful in this case, common sense prevailed.

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